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When does Junior Surf start Nippers start?

The first Sunday in November.​


What are the sessions and time for  Junior Surf ?

U7 - U10, 10am - 11am (signed in by 9.45am)

U11 - U14, 10am - 11.30am (signed in by 9.45am)

Note: Age as at 30th September 

IMPORTANT: Junior Surf is not a drop off activity. A parent or guardian is required to remain at the beach at all times.


What age group will my child be in?

  • Children's ages are defined as the age they are on September 30th. 

  • Athletes stay in the same age group for the whole season.

  • Athletes MUST compete in the correct age group at carnivals. This is stipulated by SLSNZ in the Junior handbook.

The age group that your child will be in is calculated to be the age they are as at the 30th September the year you are joining.

For example, if your child was 11 on the 30th September (turning 12 on the 5th Oct) they are classed as being in the under 12 age group (even though they are 12). If you were 9 on the 30th September, you are not eligible to compete in the U9s. You would be an U8.​


What colour Cap does my child wear for the season?


















What is a Nipper?

Nippers (Junior Surf Athletes) are aged between 6 and 14 years. They follow a SLS New Zealand program that covers both surf sports and surf education on Sunday mornings at Lyall Bay Beach outside the famous Maranui Café (November - March). 


Who needs to complete the 200m swim badge (pool swim proficiency)?

All U10s - U14s  (and all athletes must be refreshed every year.)


Does my child in the U11s - U14s need to complete a pool swim proficiency if they did one last year?

Yes, they do. All children must be refreshed every year.


What we do not do.

While the Junior Surf programme teaches surf awareness and builds water skills and confidence, we are not a learn-to-swim programme. Swimming is fundamental to surf life saving and an integral part of all our sessions, therefore we encourage all our juniors to participate year-round in regular swimming lessons / training at their local pool.


Can we recommend Swimming Lessons / Swim Squad
Yes, we recommend Cityswim at the Aquadome is located at Wellington East Girls College on Paterson St in Mt Victoria.  Many of our athletes swim at Cityswim, our Pool Champs team and our Lifeguard Sport Team (Seniors). Check out cityswim at


What is a March Past?

Parade of all the clubs attending, it’s old school but kids love it.  A March Past is an iconic event within the surf lifesaving movement and has been part of surf carnivals from the earliest days.  A March Past takes place at the Capital Coast Junior Championships, with all the clubs parading down the beach to the clubhouse.



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